/ The Shepherd: June 2006

The Shepherd

The Shepherd is the personal blog of Rev. Bert Owen, Director of Shepherd's Rest Ministry. This Ministry is a ministry of support and encouragement for the clergy of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The ministry operates a "retreat house" available to Cumberland Presbyterian ministers. Shepherd's Rest Ministry web-site is listed below.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Olivia Grace Syme

Daughter of Chris and Ellen Syme, Granddaughter of Jim and Becky Syme, Great Granddaughter of Bert and Pat Owen, was born on Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 5:31 P. M. EDT in Louisville, KY. Weighing 6 pounds and 14 ounces and 19 inches tall. According to Daddy Chris, "she is perfect".

Pat and I received a call from Becky during the early morning to let us know Chris and Ellen had gone to the hospital. We were excited for them throughout the day as we thought of what a tremendous experience this is. It was also good to join with them in prayer as we remembered back to the time our children were born and when the grandchildren all came along; now another generation was coming along as Olivia was joining her cousin, Jessica. My, how time flies. So many wonderful experiences. It was not missed by any of us, including Paul, (especially Paul) that this was his and Jackie's wedding Anniversary. As Paul put it, "this is just one more reason to make this date very special".

Well Chris, you've always been a very special part of our family and it seems as if you have married a very special person in Ellen, and I have no doubt that Olivia will grow up to be just as special. That is, and will be, my prayer. God is good.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Land Of the Rising Sun

All night last night my mind was directed toward Tokyo. Patrick left Louisville yesterday about 9:30 a. m. Eddyville time and by our time was to arrive at Narita airport in Japan about 1:30 a. m. this morning. I knew he had to get his luggage, go through customs, find where to catch a bus to a certain station in Tokyo (a four hour drive) where he would be met by Hiro, a young Japanese Pastor, and taken to Glenn's apartment. I started checking my e-mail about 6:30 a. m. and about 9:00 I was delighted to see two e-mails in my in box. One from Patrick with subject, I'M HERE. One from Glenn with subject, HE JUST HIT THE SACK !

What a joy to know all was well and the trip went fine and Patrick's "mission" had begun. (see previous post on May 19.) Remembering when both Glen and Patrick were born, some twenty years apart, seeing them grow up, give their lives to God in ministry and now be together for this missionary experience really excites me. God is good !