/ The Shepherd: Confusing Fun

The Shepherd

The Shepherd is the personal blog of Rev. Bert Owen, Director of Shepherd's Rest Ministry. This Ministry is a ministry of support and encouragement for the clergy of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The ministry operates a "retreat house" available to Cumberland Presbyterian ministers. Shepherd's Rest Ministry web-site is listed below.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Confusing Fun

Anyone who has read my first few "blogs" has already learned that I am a novice in the cyber world.  I have had fun setting up my web page and this blog using templates that guided me along step by step.  I am amazed at the development of computers since I first started trying to use them in the early eighties.  I thought my Radio Shack Model III was a real doozy, especially when I had it upgraded to a Model IV with two floppy disk drives. (each floppy disk had a capacity of 640 K)  Yes that's "K".  There were no hard drives with their Mega and Giga capacity.  Yet it was a marvel to try to keep up with the fast-paced growth of computers.  As a senior citizen, I have fairly well kept up enough to dabble around with stuff like this, but I don't understand it all very well.  I have done some amazing things with my word processor, Microsoft Word.  I even did all of the type setting for a book I had published, sending in the camera ready copy printed out on a laser printer.  The finished results, when printed, looked quite professional.
Now, the real reason I am posting today is my recent discovery that I could post to my blog by e-mail.  That just fascinates me.  Everything above is just some rambling so I can use this feature again.


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